Fourteen months ago; the world was a different place. I was a Magnetic Wellness Consultant, delivering health and wellness gatherings at the weekend in people’s homes. I had a successful business doing four parties a month, if demand required, I would do a few more.
This was all to change pretty rapidly; the phrase “think outside the box” comes to mind. I needed to think how I would be able to sustain a business that operated via face-to-face contact. In addition, I am classed as vulnerable and was therefore advised to shield – a double whammy!
I had to go online, but what this meant and how to do it was something I had not really considered. I had an Instagram page with nothing on it and a personal Facebook profile. Now, I was discovering: web shops, business pages, improved social media presences, websites SEO’s, Google and more. It was a veritable minefield. Where was I to start?
I created a Business Facebook profile. I didn’t know there was such a thing, the next procrastination was ‘to go live’. I’m not sure how, but I came down with the virus and was able to delay again, to cut a long story short, in April 2020 I went live on my Facebook business page.
I was so nervous about every aspect of this thirty-minute slot. I had never been so nervous about anything! I shook in places I never thought I could. As part of the celebrations I wanted to share the live with you. This is the video - It's a treat to watch and makes me smile to see how much I have changed the way I deliver, it was so much fun.
As I learnt more, I saw an opportunity to take the business in a different direction and prepare for a new world one where things can change quickly and adapt to our new ways of working. After being ill with Covid-19, I came back stronger to put these new ideas into place and to develop my Brand. We have a website, web shop, Instagram account, Facebook community group, Google and regular lives. I have taken courses and improving as much as possible. It’s not a race and I am taking my time. I love networking and am now proud to call myself a solopreneur.
As we move through April 2021; I would love for you to join in celebrating my successes, as without you, I could not have come so far – you are as much World of Sandra as I am .
I am planning competitions and ‘give aways’ for engagement such as testimonials on what you have enjoyed over the last twelve month, signing up for the newsletter, joining the community group, engaging with my blogs and videos.
Let’s see if we can see can bring in some more top fans, email addresses, and visits to the webshop. I am hoping you will all have a good time and look forward to our year two anniversary.
Contact us by email on info@worldofsandra.com With love